Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Long time no see and latest finished project

First off i have to start off with saying toshiba  products are pieces of CRAP, My beloved laptop's harddrive crashed back on the 8th of January, the 3rd time it has happened, and the 3rd time it had been replaced! So after finially getting to borrow a friends pc and useing my beloved Amazon.com i found one we could afford and after what seemed like months it finially arrived, YAY ! After 8 hours of reinstalling windows 7 and every critical driver needed to make this think work my toshiba lives again, ive been lost with out my connection to the world wide web, sitting in this small camper all day with nothing to do was driving me absolutely NUTS, So on to the project i finished while i was computerless, I have a slight obsession with my little pony they were an huge part of my childhood, and even though  the ponies in my opinion aren't as cute as they were when i was little at least in my opinion, i mean  dont get me wrong the new g4 ponies are adorable but i am partial to the looks names and simplicity of the g1 ponies from the 80's, so i combined the 2 a new style g4 plush pattern with eyes more like a g1 or 2, And not being able to get to the fabric store i had to use what i had on hand,  A Twilight Sparkle emerged, she was suposed to just be a trial of the pattern made from super cheap walmart fleece, but low and behold she turned out amazing , now mind you she is the 8th pony i have made, the others of which i have shared on  DeviantArt , and a couple other forums i live on, i love how she turned out i must say , her hair which is complicated in and of its self is made up of multiple piece's and colors, i cheated a bit with it thinking that she would end up in the box with the rest of my pattern tests, but she did not the pics i have of her really do suck and i so need to take better pics with a simple background but the weather lately hasn't permitted me to , so with out further a due here is My fan version of Hasbro's Twilight Sparkle  my little pony

also is a image from another DA artist so you get an idea of what her character looks like, also heres a pic of the new Hasbro version of the same plush, cute but not very accurate and her hair is crappy as well well its about that time to feed the family and settle in for the night , Take care

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